It really comes down to personal choice.
* No specific type of wax or wax blend is considered "best" for candle making. All candle waxes - when provided in high-quality format - have been shown to burn cleanly and safely.
* No candle wax has ever been shown to be toxic or harmful to human health.
* There is no such thing as a soot-free wax. All organic compounds when burned will emit some carbon (soot) due to incomplete combustion. Sooting is primarily a factor of wick length and disturbance of the flame's steady teardrop shape. Reputable candle manufacturers use only high-quality waxes in their formulations.

Whether 100% Soy or Paraffin or any other type or combination of wax, when you light a candle the process is still the same. The heat from the flame when you light the wick melts the nearest wax. The liquid wax is then drawn up into the wick by capillary action and the flame’s heat then vaporizes the liquid wax and produces water vapor and carbon dioxide. We humans produce the same byproduct every time we exhale!
Here are a few questions and answers direct from the FAQ page of the National Candle Association